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A member registered Nov 04, 2017

Recent community posts

3.7gb? Seems like an aweful lot compared to the free game.

I really like the new surrender button, finally makes it easy to lose with some of the impossibly weak enemies (i.e. harpy). Now I don't have to strip down and click rest 50 times. BUT. The button is very awkwardly placed. In the (male) goblin fight alone I was having some fun - very prolonged battle - and twice it happened that instead of pouncing the goblin I accidently pushed the surrender button.

My suggestion would be to add a pop-up menu, like the drop-down menu for returning to the title just for the surrender button - or place it somewhere you cannot accidently click.

Do you mean the pacifistic outcome, when you start combat and don't attack for several rounds? (Just keep blocking and dont attack)

Her battle is actually quite easy. Have a weapon that draws a lot of blood. Have a good healing spell. Now hack&slash away at her while healing yourself. At some point when she has wound 20+ she cannot keep up with her healing spell and is defeated at some point.

She is literally the only enemy where I prefer sharp weapons.

Well... the companion ideas are nice for enriching the gameplay, but there needs to be a limit to how many companions you can have at a time, otherwise you have almost every creature as a companion and nothing left on the map to fight.

The idea to reuse pics is great. I also miss the previous werewolf pic.

I actually enjoy that every character-type has an enemy that isn't affected by that stat. For people like me, that analyse and plan every step, this makes for a very enjoyable refreshing experience. It's not just lvl x stat to max to kill everything with one hit like other games.

Spoiler: You can also defeat the werewolf by fucking her crazy.

Well the title says it. Is it possible (hard to do?) to add the option to move the installed game to the SD card?

Thanks for all those game updates! :3

Ah... that makes sense...

I played around with all characters and eventually always end up as bottom, lol...

Though, what exactly is the "Weak to Anal" perk for? I haven't noticed any difference to other character classes.

To get out of her fights you have to jerk her off for now - only way to not get knotted.

I'm shivering from withdrawal... I need my new fix of Androgyny. xD

Do you have any idea how to implement all those controls in the android version yet? Last time I checked it was impossible to use tab and right click in android vs (duh... xD).

Are there any thoughts on implementing god-like stats for those that start out with one stat maxed and could raise it (theoretically) with skills? Stacking seams to work marvelous with scout and sex appeal. I have to check if both stats really roll over the max stat or if they just keep the stat at max. Previously raising maxed stats like strenght or dexterity above max resets them to the lowest value, I dont know if thats still the case though.

Thanks for this sexy game, I love every single bit of it!!!